This is a great lesson for all of us. A couple of days ago I lost a whole stack of photos. I am certain they were all fantastic photographs, probably the best ones ever but now we will never know. Yep, lost the lot, was doing too many things at once and clicked "do you really want to cancel upload now " by mistake ! Or it might even have been that dreaded word delete ! I was too annoyed to notice ! And in disbelief as well that they had vanished into the ether or in my case the card slot ! You know the score, not happening fast enough so you whizz off on to the next interesting thing on your computer while its happening and click back and forth, do a spot of editing, check on progress, zoom back again then wham - too late. That dreaded red cross where a photo should be. Not even in the deleted box, well they wouldn't be would they when you have clicked cancel upload followed by delete. :( NEVER upload your pictures to your computer in a ...