
Showing posts from August, 2010

Organizing Digital Photographs - Tips

Creation is almost always messy I have discovered. People, for some reason seem to think that if you are a photographer you just click once and there is the perfect shot, one time, one click, perfection ! No, no no, no ! Sometimes you need to shoot a stack of photos before you can even get a feel for your subject. If you knew how many shots professional photographers take your hair wouldn't need hair gel ! Sometimes they take zillions,  well, maybe a slight exaggeration :)  but where do you put all these photos ? Do NOT start off putting them anywhere because you don't have time or worse still in folders labelled something like  "photos I don't have time to sort"  or similar - dont laugh, I have seen this along with "pic's to deal with soon "  or how about "photos I need to dump" - why not just dump them, now, immediately  ? Sure anyone, if they  apply themselves, can have a real tidy hard drive, everything organ...

More Everyday Shots - A New Perspective

More shots from the ladder :)  Looking down on things sure can give you a new slant on things - check out what I spotted from above - I've walked past this golden mossy "sculpture" a stack of times but it looked different with the sunlight shining on it and the Bromeliad from above looked like a mini pond.  Ask Frogs - they love them !

Wee Eggs ,Blue Hawaii Moss


A Compost, the Garden, Photos and What is Art ?

One persons garbage equals someone else's fab photo  Today I was making a compost heap. Unexciting stuff for non gardeners I am sure but for photographers there is always the chance that  something may just  pop into view. Under all that soil is a photo waiting to happen, the garden is full of photographic delights  and even  pruning  gives a handle on a new viewpoint. Take your ladder, pop it under the nearest tree. climb it, secateurs in hand. Voila !  You have a new perspective  :)) Change your angle slightly and look across from the top of the tree - perhaps you spot a bird in range ?  A nest with wee eggs in it perfectly placed for your camera to capture. A fab view of the corner of a building you haven't spotted before, a piece of moss or lichen ? The abstract angle between the leaves maybe ? But is it art ?  Or is it a leaf ? What determines what makes a great piece of photo art ? Is it the shape between the...

'Sunlight over Landing Pad'

Want to take photos with the WOW factor ? Usually, we are advised to avoid flashes of uncontrolled light across the subject but  here you can see the huge difference it has made to the shot by leaving the rays of sun striking the flower across the petals.  Take the sunlight away and the photo loses a lot of its impact instead of highlighting the dramatic effect of the sun across the landing area of the flower. Give it a go in your own garden or visit a nearby park if you live in an apartment or someplace without flowers handy and you will be surprised at what you can come up with if you keep clicking and introducing a few strategic rays of sunlight.  Try it also with the light from a hanging crystal to float the rainbows across your subject .            Do you want to take "WOW" photographs ?