Choosing a Camera - Is the Nikon Coolpix L22 12MP right for you ?

Nikon Coolpix  ...........   I love mine !

Quite a few of you have asked what camera gear I use and what is "the best."

There is not really any "best" as everyone is different and every situation is different and users are unique with unique preferences and unique requirements and it all depends on what you want to use your camera for.

I have gone through a few cameras and have come to the conclusion that its a trade off between lugging a lot of stuff around and having everything to hand ( and not being able to remember how to use it !)  or having a basic click and point camera that does everything for you automatically but you don't have the options to change settings or lenses.

Digital  makes everything far simpler and you can get a range of options and still have a camera that you can put in your pocket and just click and point or you can change settings for more individual uses without spending a fortune.

I am currently using a Nikon Coolpix and I find it suits what I want to use it for pretty good without having to car around a heap of gear.  I use the Macro setting a lot, I can quickly switch the flash off or on - I mainly use the flash off.  Since I am into more natural light shots and like atmospheric photography I rarely use backfill lighting and I like even more the serendipitous effects that just happen sometimes rather than  take absolute perfect shots and  being into art, I tend to go after art photographs rather than traditional or  realistic photography.

Remember that a huge part of your photography starts with a creative concept  and will most likely start with seeing like a photographer and having some idea in your minds eye and "just knowing" that whatever you choose will make a awesome shot so the best camera in the world won't help if you don't use it or don't get out and practice  seeing what would make those fantastic shots.  Once you train yourself and get the knack, practically any subject or topic will become the most fascinating source of inspiration, like the garden tools in the above shot.

I bought my Nikon Coolpix in a rush so didn't deliberate for a long time so I was probably quite lucky that I chose something that suited my mode of photography so well and lucky that  I am still  wrapped with what I can do with it.

I have others but this one I use most of the time as it is so quick and easy to use that I don't need to spend a heap of  time fiddling around with the settings so I can concentrate on the creative side of things.

There is nothing that kills the creative urge faster than trying to fiddle out how to get your camera to work at all while your photo disappears with your frustration !

In conclusion, "the best" camera to get is one that does what YOU want it to do, ask yourself what you want to use it for and how often you will be using it, will you want a stack of fancy options when a simpler camera will do everything you want.

Quick tips on choosing a camera for you :
  • Get at least 7 megapixels or you will be kicking yourself later when you outgrow it.

  • I would recommend a macro function - you will be amazed at what you will shoot with it

  • Don't choose something too basic

  • Make sure you have a long battery life

  • Get a good size memory card or it will be frustration plus when you have to delete pictures to fit more on our in the field


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admin said…
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Robbie Timmreck said…
Hi, Excellent post you made. Are you able the explain even further in your next posting. I'm quite interested in digital photography as well and would really appreciated some extra infomation.

Robbie Timmreck

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